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Wednesday, May 22 • 10:30am - 11:30am
SDGs at SLC: How the Sustainable Development Goals support strong teams and classrooms - In-Person / Virtual

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During this session, participants will have an opportunity to get to know the SDG LABs program; an interactive program that can be facilitated by participants or by the sustainability team. In the hour we will we break down why the SDGs matter for every person at SLC and why we need to incorporate them into our daily work, college operations, and how we teach at SLC. We'll explore how individual roles, programs, departments, etc. all impact the SDGs and why this matters. By the end of this session participants will understand the resources available to incorporate the SDGs into their own departments/teams/etc. They will know about SDG sessions available at SLC for individual teams and how this can help build stronger and more cohesive teams while making a global impact.

Wednesday May 22, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
01030 (Grey Wing)