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Wednesday, May 22 • 10:30am - 11:30am
St. Lawrence Experience Record: Enhancing Experiences Beyond the Classroom 

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The St. Lawrence Experience Record (SER) is an official St. Lawrence College document that recognizes students' out-of-the-classroom experiences as an important part of their college journey. It allows students to enhance their learning, build marketable competencies, and articulate their involvement in a format that identifies transferable skills and provides notable value to prospective employers. In this session, participants will be given an overview of the SER, providing an opportunity to learn about co-curricular programming and the exciting value it will bring to our students. We will discuss categories of recognition, explore our competency framework, review associated learning outcomes, and showcase preliminary examples in URSLC. Participants will get an in-person chance to explore the creative ways we can connect our students to experiential learning opportunities, providing them with a tool to catalogue and reflect on their experiences in preparation for their future after SLC.

avatar for Michael Richards

Michael Richards

Student Leadership & Co-Curricular Learning Officer, St. Lawrence College

Wednesday May 22, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
01010 (Grey Wing)